Becoming a Member of BFSA
Who can join?
Membership in the Black Faculty and Staff Association (BFSA) is open to all faculty members and staff employed at The University of Alabama regardless of religion, age, race or color, marital status, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation.
Membership in the Black Faculty and Staff Association (BFSA) is open to all faculty members and staff employed at The University of Alabama regardless of religion, age, race or color, marital status, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation.
How can I join?
Joining BFSA is simple! Please see the sign up form below. We would love to meet you at the next general body meeting. There you can experience what BFSA has to offer in terms of events and programming, support of our faculty, staff and students, and membership benefits. After the meeting, you can become a member of BFSA by paying dues for the year.
Joining BFSA is simple! Please see the sign up form below. We would love to meet you at the next general body meeting. There you can experience what BFSA has to offer in terms of events and programming, support of our faculty, staff and students, and membership benefits. After the meeting, you can become a member of BFSA by paying dues for the year.
How Can I get involved?
Member Engagement
BFSA seeks to increase its level of engagement with African-American faculty and staff by:
Mentorship and Support of Black Students
The BFSA is committed to developing new programming to increase support for black students on campus and continue student mentoring programs.
Additional Objectives
BFSA seeks to increase its level of engagement with African-American faculty and staff by:
- Conducting a drive to increase the membership of BFSA
- Plan regular ongoing social events as well as opportunities to discuss regular ongoing themes of interest to members
- Increasing funding for the BFSA Founders Scholarship
Mentorship and Support of Black Students
The BFSA is committed to developing new programming to increase support for black students on campus and continue student mentoring programs.
Additional Objectives
- Address issues related to the recruitment, promotion, equity in compensation and retention of full-time African American/Black faculty and staff.
- Serve as mentors and role models for African American/Black students.
- Develop and expand current social justice initiatives, cultural heritage centered events, professional development, and career advancement programing for our faculty, staff, and students
- Seek ways to provide input into the planning and implementation of both curricula and extra-curricula offerings on campus, especially as these impact African Americans/Blacks on campus
- Address issues of recruitment, retention and graduation of African American /Blacks on campus;
- Affiliate with other campus and community organizations that support the mission of the BFSA
- Encourage research and scholarship of faculty, staff and students
BFSA Member dues are $50 for the academic year. They are due October 1st. Please see below for payment options: